

Professional Technology Assistance

IT/Help Desk Services

  1. IT/Help Desk Services Our IT help desk services are designed to provide your organization with efficient and reliable support for all your IT needs. Our team of experienced technicians is available 24/7 to answer your questions and resolve any technical issues you may encounter. Our services include:
  2. Remote desktop support
  3. On-site support
  4. User training and education
  5. Hardware and software support
  6. Virus Detection and Removal
  7. Printer Repairs
  8. Server monitoring for Uptime and Availability
    • Installation of Server Monitoring Software
    • Setup Automatic Failure Detection
  9. Active Directory User Management
    • Add/Remove/Update users in Active Directory
    • Setup Access and file sharing policies

Web/Software Development

  1. Web/Software Development Our web/software development team is dedicated to creating custom solutions that meet your organization's unique needs. We work closely with you to understand your goals and develop a plan that aligns with your vision. Our services include:
    • Custom web application development
    • E-commerce solutions
    • Database Development
    • Content management systems (CMS)
    • Cloud-based software development
  2. HTML, PHP, JavaScript, SQL Intranet System Build
  3. Visual Basic and Excel system build
  4. Pyhton Development

Data Analytics

  1. Data Analytics Our data analytics services are designed to help your organization make informed decisions based on accurate and relevant data. We use the latest tools and techniques to gather, analyze, and interpret data in a way that provides actionable insights. Our services include:
  2. Data collection and processing
  3. Data visualization and reporting
  4. Predictive analytics
  5. PowerBi Integration
  6. Building advanced and custom dashboard for your company needs in Excel or PowerBi

About Us

At our IT services company, we strive to provide our clients with the highest quality services possible. We are committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and best practices to ensure that our clients always receive the best possible solutions. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your organization succeed.

We'd love to hear from you

Contact us at admin@aaots.com

Phone Number: +1 818-309-3617